13 Amazing Facts about intel

Intel was founded july 14 1968 by Robert Noyce who is a physicists and Gordon Moore who is a chemist. Intel right now  is the most popular semiconductor company which is famous  for its Intel Pentium processors. Intel invented  the x86 series of processors which is found in most of the personal computer used around the world today. Intel has been in the business for over 40 years now. Below are interesting facts about Intel.

1. The first micro processor was not made by Intel. The first micro processor where the MP944 which were used in fighter jets.

2. How did the name Intel come about?  Intel corporation was formerly called "Moore Noyce" which was coined from the names of both founders Robert Noyce and Gordon Moore, This name was discarded because it did not portray the company"s work and it sounded like more noise . So they decided to name it Intel which is coined  from the two words integrated electronics . As that is the basis for its semi conductor chip production.

3. You could actually find Intel and And Amd chips in the same mother board in The 90's. Intel processors could fit into Amd peocessor port  and vice versa. It continued until the demand for the monopoly of mother board chips arose.

4. Intel consumes over 3million KWH of electricity yearly, its electricity source is gotten from non renewable sources, such as  Dams, windmill, solar panels. Making sure they get their power from sources that do not pollute the atmosphere.

5. Intel makes its silicon chips in a special area called a cleanroom. Technicians have to wear a special kind of ‘bunny suit’ to enter in the cleanrooms. This bunny suit is to keep possible contaminants such as human hair off from cleanroom. The air in the cleanroom has no particles above the size of 0.5 microns. To make it easy to understand, you should know that human hair is only 100 microns thick. Bunny suit became standard l cleanroom attire in 1973. Interesting fact is that more than three football fields can fit inside a Cleanroom. The cleanroom is around 1000 times cleaner than a clean hospital.

6. Intel at a point in its operations, had a chance to kick AMD processors out of the market after dey developed The x86 processors which we call 32bit processors. Intel had to give AMD the right to produce x86 processors to be able to keep up with the needs of its consumers. And also AMD gave INTEL the right to produce x64 processors after they developed it, which  also give Intel the ability to keep up with its consumers needs.

7. “Intel Inside” brand campaign was launched in 1991 which boosted the brand value of Intel in becoming one of the most popular brands.

8. Ever wondered what the "I" in core i5, core i3, core i7 stands for??? Well it Doesn't stand for anything. According  to Intel , it is just a marketing brand decision.

9. In 1976, Intel launched world’s first single board computer called iSBC 80/10.

10. The transistors used on the third generation processors the corei5, core i7 CPU  is so small. You could fix over 100 million of them on the head of a pin

11. In July 1979, Intel introduced 8088 micro-processors. The 8088 was designed in Israel, at Haifa laboratory. It has 29000 transistors. In 1981, IBM launched its first personal computer which included this micro-processor. This was the first time when IBM used an outside vendor and this partnership changed the world.

12. Intel’s first year revenue was $2672. Company went public in 1971 when it launched its 4004 processor and raised around $6.8 million $23.50 per share. Now company is valued around $54 billion. It has a tick-tock method of company’s growth. It employees about 100,000 people around world. Company invest a large amount in research and development. In 2010, it had $6.6 billion budget for RnD. Between 2006-2008, Intel cut around 10,500 jobs which was around 10% of total workforce.

13. Robert Noyce has always been helpful towards young tech upstarts and has mentored a lot of them to achieve success in the business world. Among the people he mentored is Steve Jobs who went on to create Apple. That’s an interesting connection between two of the leading companies in the IT industry.

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